Category: WordPress

  • Upgrade PHP from 7.0 to 7.4

    Upgrade it based on the warning of WordPress, But the OS keeps the same.

  • Twenty Twenty

    It’s 2020. So WordPress 5.3.2 running Twenty Twenty – theme.

  • 網站自動升級至 WordPress 5.0.1 與更新 Twenty Nineteen 佈景主題

    But the theme doesn’t seem to have dark mode. This post is made by the new editor.

  • Posts moved back here.

    All the posts published on KIRIN LIN – LINKEDIN are moved back here under category LinkedIn. Thanks to the WXR file format for Export/Import-ing posts between WordPress. 😛

  • 除草一下,打個招呼

    上一篇文章已經是 2015 年底,而 2016 年都進入第四季了啊~Anyway, WordPress 如常自動更新到 4.6.1 好一陣子了。雖然這個部落格很少在更新,Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, 和英文的部落格還是常常在碎碎唸啊~