Category: Office

  • 辦公桌 2017

    好長一段時間沒有更新,前幾天與推友談到螢幕,想起來好久沒有拍辦公桌分享(應該是有,但沒有記在這裡就…嗯…)(補連結《換位置》),而關於這個話題上一篇已經是十年前《辦公桌 2007》了啊~(茶) 主機算算也有五歲,兩顆爛爛的 ThinkVision X24 大概才一年多就報修過一次,最好的設備應該屬自己從日本扛回來的 Filco Majestouch Convertible 2 吧~一直不習慣 MBP 13″ 鍵盤打感,就不把它帶到辦公室用。

  • Disable Automatic Connection of iPhone on RHEL 7.3

    My desktop switched to RHEL 7.2 last year and I use it for charging my iPhones. I can disable USB automount at all, but I want to disable iPhone for not asking any “trust” questions on both sides. Use following for adding a new udev rule: Update: The charging will not work when my iPhone…

  • Nautilus crashed after upgrade to RHEL 7.3

    Few weeks ago, the desktop is upgraded to RHEL 7.3, then nautilus crashed when open it. Lucky, it is back to normal after clean its configuration.

  • VS Code not working on Ubuntu when connected using X2Go

    As title, hit this issue yesterday. There is a workaround by following steps: Reference: VS Code not working on Ubuntu when connected using XRDP. · Issue #3451 · Microsoft/vscode · GitHub –

  • X11 for macOS as a server of remote Ubuntu 14.04

    Recently the 13″ MBPr got upgrade to macOS Sierra 10.12. If I want to let it can act as remote X11 server of Ubuntu 14.04 (my main working VM in intranet), I have to install a X.Org X Window System that runs on macOS. XQuartz is for this purpose , see Then the file /etc/ssh/sshd_conf needs…