• 入手 #小田切讓椅

    tumbler: 入手 #小田切讓椅https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Y4AI5nEQW/ 繼沙發們和紅色塑膠椅之後,唯一正式的椅子?

  • 辦公桌 2020


  • Twenty Twenty

    It’s 2020. So WordPress 5.3.2 running Twenty Twenty – WordPress.com theme.

  • Use latest Firefox in RHEL and enable Flash

    As title, I just want to use latest Firefox (currently 68.0.2) on my RHEL76 workstation, but some legacy systems still use Flash. Those two packages are installed from RHEL repo: $ sudo yum list installed | egrep “^(firefox.|flash-plugin.)” firefox.x86_64 60.5.1-1.el7_6 @RHEL-76-x86_64-updates flash-plugin.x86_64 2: @RHEL-76-x86_64-ibm-updates Step 1: add firefox as exclude package in /etc/yum.conf Step 2:…

  • 「人生,42歲才開始。」

    然後就邁入四十三歲惹~不記得什麼時候在 Twitter Profile 裡頭加上了這句?做了傻爸爸之後很多事情都不太記得,開始依賴代辦事項和日曆 app 提醒。Anyway,不記得的事情大概就是不重要的小事吧!

Got any book recommendations?