
  • Switch to RHEL 7.2

    Lenovo ThinkCentre M91p is my dual monitor workstation in the office. It came with Windows 7 Pro when I got it years ago. Due to some sicking of dealing with stupid tools reason, I decided switch to RHEL 7.2 which more support than Ubuntu/Debian by our community.

    My ThinkPad T420 still has Ubuntu 14.04 installed and works well.

    This is not too much different when mainly using terminal from those linux distributions to connect to testing environment.

  • ReText icons with Xfce 4

    ReText is a simple Markdown editor in Ubuntu. You can simply install it by issuing this:

    apt-get install retext

    It will install ReText 4.1.2 for you. My remote workstation is a virtual machine and using Xfce instead of Unity. And I also want to use ReText 5.3.0 from PyPI.

    In both versions of ReText, if you using Xfce then you will not able to see some icons. Its default icon theme is “gnome”. Here is the commands to install and fix the icon theme issue:

    <h1>install packages</h1>
    sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit python3-markups python3-markdown python3-docutils python3-enchant
    <h1>install ReText via pip3</h1>
    sudo pip3 install ReText
    <h1>To fix the icon theme problem with Xfce</h1>
    echo &quot;[General]&quot; &gt; &quot;$HOME/.config/ReText project/ReText.conf&quot;
    echo &quot;iconTheme=<code>xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/IconThemeName</code>&quot; &gt;&gt; &quot;$HOME/.config/ReText project/ReText.conf&quot;
  • 網站自動升級至 WordPress 4.4 與更新佈景主題 Twenty Sixteen

    如題,很久沒有在部落格除草,它自己常常會自動升級,多虧了 WordPress 本身進步的設計,另外也選用最新的佈景主題「Twenty Sixteen」。

    BTW,這篇在新配發的公司電腦 13-inch MBPr  上面打字完成,仍然是 Mac OS X 新手。

  • Got a 13-inch MBPr

    Last week, I got a brand new MBPr as my primary workstation provided by company. Here is its spec.:

    13-inch MBPrSpec
    13-inch MBPrSpec
  • 工作用新眼鏡

    2007 年配了附《新眼鏡》,這次趁去日本玩的機會跟著友人一起去 Zoff 京都マルイ店配一副工作用的濾藍光鏡片眼鏡。聽說卅分鐘快速取件,前提是店舖要有該鏡片庫存。這次友人的鏡片需要一個禮拜調貨,那時決定到時候再一起取貨。



     (第一次用 iPhone 的 WordPress app 插入圖片並發佈,4S 真的很慢呀!XD)