
  • X11 for macOS as a server of remote Ubuntu 14.04

    Recently the 13″ MBPr got upgrade to macOS Sierra 10.12. If I want to let it can act as remote X11 server of Ubuntu 14.04 (my main working VM in intranet), I have to install a X.Org X Window System that runs on macOS.

    XQuartz is for this purpose , see

    Then the file /etc/ssh/sshd_conf needs to be modified, and the ssh service needs up. After ssh to Ubuntu, there are some error/warning messages:

    Last login: Thu Oct  6 14:32:12 2016 from
    manpath: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct
    linkirin@trusty:~$ gvim
    Fontconfig warning: ignoring UTF-8: not a valid region tag

    To fix these, add two more lines in the file:

    linkirin@trusty:~$ cat /etc/default/locale
    linkirin@trusty:~$ cat /etc/default/locale

    Reference links:

  • Make CapsLock an additional Ctrl

    That makes my left hand has easier life…

    I choose this:

    sudo vi /etc/default/keyboard

    then change


    referrer links:

    • The Flat Trantor Society: Where should the control key be?
    • keyboard – How do I turn Caps Lock into an extra Control key? – Ask Ubuntu
  • No longer use this for IBM Technical Rock Star Program

    Since the blog channel is gone and my ranking is not in top 10 anymore…

  • Join the IBM Technical Rock Star Program

    So, you will see a lot posts shared under “trs” category. The personal posts are still under “LinkedIn” category, but not synced to my LinkedIn.

  • Add exFAT and HFSplus file systems support

    The main workstation is MBPr and the desktop is RHEL 7.2. The need is exchanging files with USB flash disk or ISO files. The MBPr can format USB disk to exFAT and ISO with HFSplus. If I want to let RHEL 7 support these two file systems, I need to install following packages manually:

    • exfat-utils
    • fuse-exfat
    • kmod-hfs
    • kmod-hfsplus