Category: Working
RHEL 5 下開啟 VNC console
工作上需要使用 VNC 連到測試環境,咕狗了一番找到這篇論壇文章: How to enable VNC console on RHEL 5 server 裡面的步驟在 RHEL Release 5 update 3 可用。不過測試環境把 firewall and SELinux 都關閉,可以跳過些步驟。 寫一篇紀錄一下。
New Chewing lets XP shows garbled text
Have been here, new job, for a while and got a new ThinkPad T410 laptop several weeks ago. The OS is Windows XP Professional in English. Although we use a lot English at work, but i still need Chinese input method. The New Phonetic input method from Microsoft is fine, but I like to use…
新酷音在英文 XP 下的鍵盤配置顯示亂碼解決方式
前陣子換新工作,又過了一陣子領到一台 ThinkPad T410 2522 英文機,內建 Windows XP Professional 32-bit 英文版。雖然說大部分工作上都是用英文寫 email 、使用即時通訊軟體溝通與寫程式,主要還是會用自己熟悉的語言。
Last day in Chif
Today is my last day in Chif. During these seven years. I had a great time working with colleagues. How about next step? We will see… 🙂 睡前 Twitter 上面發了推,Plurk 也貼過去,而 Facebook 因同步 Plurk 也有…總之算個公告。 這份工作在出社會的九年裡頭佔了六年多,能待這麼久原因無他:「就這樣的工作量,領個混口飯吃的薪資比例來說,外頭也沒有更優的條件。」 前副總也是當初面試我進來的長官,要特別感謝他在職的那段時間裡頭對底下員工的照顧,為員工爭取各項薪資福利。身為中高階主管,除了激勵下屬做好份內工作外,對上對外則是溝通協調與不撇清責任,前副總做了一個很好的模範。 當他遠在中國得知我即將離職的消息,特別 MSN 詢問一下情況並給予相當中肯的建議,再次感謝。 過去的文章:2004 年《換工作~ (又)》與 2003 年《換新~髮型, 工作…》。
Switching to a new project
Recently, the new project comes with a tied schedule. A desktop needs to re-install the entire OS and setup a testing environment. At beginning, the desktop was Windows XP Traditional Chinese version, but we met some problem which related to file encoding. The foreign team suggest us use English OS. So… Another re-install process is…