Category: Office

  • a snapshot of my T410

    actually, it is a WinXP.

  • Welcome 2012

    Actually I have done two projects and moved from one department to another twice in these time. Now I’m a new guy in another project, again. Hi 2012, I have many many things need to learn and pick up. In life, there are two big changes: got my own apartment, and get married. I wish…

  • New Chewing lets XP shows garbled text

    Have been here, new job, for a while and got a new ThinkPad T410 laptop several weeks ago. The OS is Windows XP Professional in English. Although we use a lot English at work, but i still need Chinese input method. The New Phonetic input method from Microsoft is fine, but I like to use…

  • 灰濛濛的天空與園區三期


  • 午後,大雨

    外頭的雨織成霧濛濛一片。 有關褲子 從衣櫥裡頭找出白色牛仔褲,二十歲的時候穿的(照片)。十多年過去,身材沒變,還穿得下。 但有點收藏過久的泛黃,或許刷刷洗洗一番又可以穿出門。 今天穿的褲子則是右邊口袋又破了,零錢會掉出來。之前自個兒拿針線縫起來撐很久,但時間一久還是磨損。哪天有空剪塊布來縫新的口袋。