Category: Old Apartment
D-Link DIR-882
The old WiFi router WZR-HP-G300NH2 is bought in May, 2012. Recently our Dyson Pure Cool machines lost connections a lot and it’s annoying. Although after tuned some settings in g300nh2 (TX Power and WiFi channels), it gets stable now. I ordered another WiFi router D-Link DIR-882. The setting process of dir-882 is smooth, BUT it…
家庭辦公室 2020
tumblr: Home Office 2020 WFH 第四個禮拜
入手 #小田切讓椅
tumbler: 入手 #小田切讓椅 繼沙發們和紅色塑膠椅之後,唯一正式的椅子?
[網購] 尚佳柑仔店
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