Category: LinkedIn

Posts which into LinkedIn

  • Ubuntu 12.04 on T410

    Last week, I need to encrypt my hard disk. It is a chance to move my environment to Linux. So I installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) amd64 on my T410. The installation process is very smooth and the LUKS(Linux Unified Key Setup) works.

    But some tools for IT infrastructure/Collaborations are still 32-bit and not fully support Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit yet.

    It took me several days to fix the library dependencies. It’s not easy. Wish the official support will be release sooner this year.

  • a snapshot of my T410

    actually, it is a WinXP.


  • Welcome 2012

    Actually I have done two projects and moved from one department to another twice in these time. Now I’m a new guy in another project, again.

    Hi 2012, I have many many things need to learn and pick up.

    In life, there are two big changes: got my own apartment, and get married. I wish everything will be fine.

  • New Chewing lets XP shows garbled text

    Have been here, new job, for a while and got a new ThinkPad T410 laptop several weeks ago. The OS is Windows XP Professional in English.

    Although we use a lot English at work, but i still need Chinese input method. The New Phonetic input method from Microsoft is fine, but I like to use the New Chewing.

    After installed it, New Chewing lets XP shows garbled text in “Text Services and Input Languages” window. Then i think that maybe i can fix it by modifying the Windows registery. I have a PC which uses Chinese version of XP, ofcourse New Chewing is there.

    The key named “Layout Text” is in #\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Keyboard Layouts\E0200404 and change the value to “Chinese (Traditional) – New Chewing”. Click OK.

    Chinese version post is here.

  • Last day in Chif

    Today is my last day in Chif.

    During these seven years. I had a great time working with colleagues.

    How about next step? We will see… 🙂

    睡前 Twitter 上面發了推,Plurk 也貼過去,而 Facebook 因同步 Plurk 也有…總之算個公告。



    當他遠在中國得知我即將離職的消息,特別 MSN 詢問一下情況並給予相當中肯的建議,再次感謝。

    過去的文章:2004 年《換工作~ (又)》與 2003 年《換新~髮型, 工作…》。