This morning, I moved to a new cubicle which is on the same floor. Just spent 30 minutes to get it done. All I need is net connection and power to get desktop working. That’s it!

ha…I wrote “New seat” on Aug. 8.
This morning, I moved to a new cubicle which is on the same floor. Just spent 30 minutes to get it done. All I need is net connection and power to get desktop working. That’s it!
ha…I wrote “New seat” on Aug. 8.
Taken 2
中文片名:即刻救援 2
IMDb: Taken 2 (2012)
中文片名:007 空降危機
IMDb: Skyfall (2012)
007 skyfall 跟上個月看的 taken 2 同樣都在伊斯坦堡大市集屋頂取景,雖然那屋頂很常在電影裡出現,但時間也太近了。
— 70.0🤪 (@Kirin_Lin) November 11, 2012
上回升級到 1.03 之後就因為白盤問題送修,結果回來一台新的。
前陣子聽聞有新韌體,替 Fujifilm X10 增加新功能,詳細可以參考代理商的說明《富士數位相機X10韌體升級版本2.00 增加進階濾鏡和快速選單(Q)功能》。
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