
  • The Bourne Legacy

    中文片名:神鬼認證 4 (The Bourne Legacy)
    IMDb: The Bourne Legacy (2012)



  • Compact a VM Disk Image

    My Windows 7 desktop complained the disk space usage is near to 90%. After checked my Ubuntu VM, its virtual disk expands to around 200G although it only contains around 100G data.

    So I googled some posts which have instructions:

    After compacted the VDI file, my desktop has more 100G free space now.

    Reboot the Ubuntu VM, and it shows a message:
    mountall: disconnected from Plymouth

    Google again. The swap partition is not mounted correctly. Use following command to check it:

    free -m

    The total of swap is 0.

    Try some commands from “Mountall fails on startup“, then the swap is back and the message is gone.

    Final step, there is a very large hiberfil.sys file and I let my desktop keep awake for a long time. I think I don’t need hibernation, so I disable it by following article, “How to disable and re-enable hibernation on a computer that is running Windows“.

  • 人再囧途之泰囧

    英文片名:Lost in Thailand
    IMDb: Lost in Thailand (2012)

    Christmas Day 休假一天在家觀賞喜劇電影。第一集《人在囧途》很好笑,這集是搬到泰國的升級版也很好笑。

  • 超市偶遇

    星期一. 是從夏季開始時給自己訂的不成文不定時放假日.

    想了很久要到哪兒去放鬆心情, 下了Highway, 發現自己居然又開去了大統華(中國人超多的那家) 分店. 唉!!!!!!! 已經提早步入Midlife crises 了.

    既來之, 則安之.

    看見冷凍便當大特價, 4個10元. 研究了15分鐘, 只找到2個勉強覺得可以買的口味. 其它不是含鹽量太多, 熱量太高, 或者其他成分不符要求. 希望像我這種澳客不多.

    Anyway, 突然身邊有位風度穿著都優雅的女長者(註:Senior) 問我: “小姐, 妳在看便當上的什麼?”, 基於好一陣子沒人叫我小姐, 以及要尊重長輩的問話, 我熱烈的解釋了一番. 最後, 女長者只是想知道她是否可以和我合購4個特價便當……………….. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

    我 ,答應了. 不過, 請她等我買齊其他東西後, 一起去排隊結帳, 確保我們的顧客權益 – 特價, 4個10元. 女長者很高興, 相約20分鐘後在2號快速收銀檯見. 我也開心, 假裝自己有日行一善, 果然有自我感覺良好的效果.

    5分鐘後, 女長者在雜誌部找到正在取經” 99元家常菜” 的我, 寞落的說: “小姐, 謝謝妳. 我不買冷凍便當了. 便當太大, 我一個人吃不完.” 嘆了一口長長的氣, 她拎著原本半滿, 後來空癟的購物環保袋, 離開大統華.

    看著她的背影, 回想我們在冷凍櫃前討論各自家人會喜歡什麼口味, 以及這種size的便當是不是可以帶上學時的心情.

    我決定, 等我塞車塞到家以後. 要打給我爸, 問他最近是否吃好睡好. 還有,,,,,,,,,,, “訓練” 我女兒和我分享便當 – 等她感冒好了以後,,,;)


  • XQuery syntax highlighting of Notepad++

    My favorite text editor on Windows platform is Notepad++. For current project, a XQuery syntax highlighting is better than nothing.

    You can find a post, “XQuery support in Notepad++ XQuery 1.0 and MarkLogic 4.1 update“, and download XQuery language definition file from a GitHub project – NotepadPlusPlus-XQuery.