
  • Jump to feedly

    昨天(應該是)的網路界大事就是 Google Reader 服務在 2013-07-31 停止,推特上面一整個熱。

    想起來很久以前手機上就有裝 Feedly,既然它們都說可以無縫轉移過去,那…就跳過去唄~

    Reference: “Transitioning from Google Reader to feedly

  • Markdown in Notepad++ with Perl/Cygwin

    Notepad++ is my primary text editor in Windows and I also have Perl installed in Cygwin.
    To Markdown files under Notepad++ with NppExec plugin, I use following scripts:

    A bash shell script to call

    #c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l "/cygdrive/c/cygwin/home/$USER/" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) $(NAME_PART)
    current_path=<code>cygpath -u $1</code>
    current_dir=<code>cygpath -u $2</code>
    echo &quot;Markdowning file: &quot;$current_path
    ~/Markdown_1.0.1/ &quot;$current_path&quot; &gt; &quot;$out_file&quot;
    echo &quot;Result file: &quot;$out_file

    The NppExec script:

    c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l &quot;/cygdrive/c/cygwin/home/$(SYS.USERNAME)/; &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot; &quot;$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)&quot; &quot;$(NAME_PART)&quot;

    The HTML will be opened in Notepad++. I didn’t try to find a way to open it in browser directly yet.

    Reference post: “Markdown in Notepad++

  • 西遊·降魔篇

    英文片名:Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons
    IMDb: Xi You Xiang Mo Pian (2013)



  • 轉生術

    英文片名:Painted Skin: The Resurrection
    IMDb: Painted Skin: The Resurrection (2012)

    其實這是電影《畫皮》第二集,台灣大概是第一集賣不好所以第二集不叫《畫皮 II》。女性朋友大概會比較喜歡,男性朋友大概就看特效吧?歐~費翔伯伯的角色也很挺有趣的…

  • Remove unused Linux kernel related packages

    There is a very simple command:

    dpkg -l 'linux-<em>' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'&quot;$(uname -r | sed &quot;s/&#40;.</em>&#41;-&#40;[^0-9]&#43;&#41;/\1/&quot;)&quot;'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* &#40;[^ ]<em>&#41;.</em>/\1/;/[0-9]/!d' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge

    From “Ubuntu Cleanup: How to Remove All Unused Linux Kernel Headers, Images and Modules