
  • 卅七歲掰,嗨!卅八歲


    工作上有進步,兩年多後終於不是 one man team,然而又接下更多東西,你知道的,同事也是來來去去。這陣子也是新版本收尾階段,東西都堆在一起做一起交接。

    老爹昨晚還特別打電話來問說要不要吃個飯慶生啊!?我說不用了雨下這麼大上班又很累,想到冰箱裡面還有一個週日出遊時太太在山上 DIY 裝飾的蛋糕,嗯…沒有壞的話晚上就找老爹一起來吃吧!


  • 除草一下

    今年生活上沒有太大變動,當然工作上不能說沒有太大變動,至少公司進行的事情總是會影響到一些組織方面,大致上除了一直都很忙之外也沒有什麼可以在這裡紀錄…er…或者是不放在 Twitter 或 Facebook 而紀錄在這裡。



  • Use nc(netcat) to check the DataPower service ports

    To check the SSH service (default port 22):

    nc -z $IP 22

    To check the XML Management Interface (default port 5550):

    nc -z $IP 5550

    To check the SNMP (UDP port 161):

    nc -zu $IP 161

    If connection is successful, it will report a message like:

    Connection to $IP 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!

    and exit with 0.

    Reference: nc(1) – Linux man page

  • reinstall the T410

    I put an old 160GB HD on T410 then start to use IBM OCDC ISO on it.

  • disable USB automount in Ubuntu

    Since there is a bug in Ubuntu which let iPhone with iOS7 can not be mounted, I decided to disable it. Here is the steps:

    1. Install dconf-tools.
    2. Launch dconf Editor and navigate to org -> gnome -> desktop -> media-handling
    3. Uncheck “automount” and “automount-open”