Category: Working
Switch to RHEL 7.2
Lenovo ThinkCentre M91p is my dual monitor workstation in the office. It came with Windows 7 Pro when I got it years ago. Due to some sicking of dealing with stupid tools reason, I decided switch to RHEL 7.2 which more support than Ubuntu/Debian by our community. My ThinkPad T420 still has Ubuntu 14.04 installed…
ReText icons with Xfce 4
ReText is a simple Markdown editor in Ubuntu. You can simply install it by issuing this: It will install ReText 4.1.2 for you. My remote workstation is a virtual machine and using Xfce instead of Unity. And I also want to use ReText 5.3.0 from PyPI. In both versions of ReText, if you using Xfce…
Got a 13-inch MBPr
Last week, I got a brand new MBPr as my primary workstation provided by company. Here is its spec.:
這是前一陣子(本篇在草稿匣裡頭放了很長一段時間)在電梯口遇到前公司同事時,他開口的第一句話。接著的話題是他計畫去考公職。整段對話中實在不知道該怎麼回應,推文之後覺得最合適的回應是「加油!」 本來想寫些什麼有關自己對職涯的看法之類的東西,時間一久就也不覺得寫下來重要(也忘記了)。
Tray icons missing after upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04
Our Ubuntu workstation is required some applications installed for complying security policy. Those applications will show some icons on Systray. After upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04, those icons are missing. The reason is “Unity Notification Area (Systray) Whitelist Is Obsolete [Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail Changes]“. After a little bit searching, here is the solution: Then log out…