Category: LinkedIn

Posts which into LinkedIn

  • Hide Users on Welcome Screen in Windows

    If you create some local user accounts in Windows for providing some services, but don’t want to let them show in Welcome Screen. You can add some settings in Windows Registry.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList]

    I have tried this in Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2. It works.
    Google reference: “Hide Users on Welcome Screen in Windows”.

  • Resize Launcher in Unity 2D

    I twittered about the memory usage is fat in Unity 3D. Although my T410 works fine. I still want to try to switch to Unity 2D. After that, the default icon in launcher is too large (48×48) as in Unity 3D. But the rezise bar in Appearance is gone. 

    See the reference post for how to do it.

    Reference: How to resize Launcher in Unity 2D.

  • Markdown in Notepad++ with Perl/Cygwin

    Notepad++ is my primary text editor in Windows and I also have Perl installed in Cygwin.
    To Markdown files under Notepad++ with NppExec plugin, I use following scripts:

    A bash shell script to call

    #c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l "/cygdrive/c/cygwin/home/$USER/" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) $(NAME_PART)
    current_path=<code>cygpath -u $1</code>
    current_dir=<code>cygpath -u $2</code>
    echo &quot;Markdowning file: &quot;$current_path
    ~/Markdown_1.0.1/ &quot;$current_path&quot; &gt; &quot;$out_file&quot;
    echo &quot;Result file: &quot;$out_file

    The NppExec script:

    c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l &quot;/cygdrive/c/cygwin/home/$(SYS.USERNAME)/; &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot; &quot;$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)&quot; &quot;$(NAME_PART)&quot;

    The HTML will be opened in Notepad++. I didn’t try to find a way to open it in browser directly yet.

    Reference post: “Markdown in Notepad++

  • Remove unused Linux kernel related packages

    There is a very simple command:

    dpkg -l 'linux-<em>' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'&quot;$(uname -r | sed &quot;s/&#40;.</em>&#41;-&#40;[^0-9]&#43;&#41;/\1/&quot;)&quot;'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* &#40;[^ ]<em>&#41;.</em>/\1/;/[0-9]/!d' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge

    From “Ubuntu Cleanup: How to Remove All Unused Linux Kernel Headers, Images and Modules

  • Get rid of watchdog error

    When waking from suspend, there are 3 error messages appear about Watchdog:
    [63660.938812] watchdog: only one watchdog can use /dev/watchdog.
    [63660.938816] watchdog: error registering /dev/watchdog (err=-16).
    [63660.938819] mei: unable to register watchdog device.

    The solution is:
    sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
    add the line:
    blacklist mei
    Save and reboot.

    Reference: Watchdog Error Message?