Category: LinkedIn

Posts which into LinkedIn

  • Use nc(netcat) to check the DataPower service ports

    To check the SSH service (default port 22):

    nc -z $IP 22

    To check the XML Management Interface (default port 5550):

    nc -z $IP 5550

    To check the SNMP (UDP port 161):

    nc -zu $IP 161

    If connection is successful, it will report a message like:

    Connection to $IP 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!

    and exit with 0.

    Reference: nc(1) – Linux man page

  • reinstall the T410

    I put an old 160GB HD on T410 then start to use IBM OCDC ISO on it.

  • disable USB automount in Ubuntu

    Since there is a bug in Ubuntu which let iPhone with iOS7 can not be mounted, I decided to disable it. Here is the steps:

    1. Install dconf-tools.
    2. Launch dconf Editor and navigate to org -> gnome -> desktop -> media-handling
    3. Uncheck “automount” and “automount-open”
  • Got a T420

    Since the T410 is used for nearly four years and there is a chance to get a newer machine, I got a second hand T420 yesterday. It is pretty much like T410. So I decided to switch the HD, the Ubuntu 12.04 is working fine with it.

    The only thing I need to do is change the device MAC address to fit the current machine.

  • PuTTY and VT100 box-drawing character

    Refer to this link: Making 256-color AND Line drawing characters both work in PuTTY

    Add this into your .bashrc:

    export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1

    Then re-login.

    If you want to keep this when using sudo, add this into your /etc/sudoers:
    Defaults env_keep += "NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS"

    Then restart the sudo service.