這兩天網站主機死掉,然後死掉的原因很奇怪。Greenbug 爸不小心把家裡搞到跳電,這件事情發生過兩次吧!那是昨天早上的事情,想說學長下班回去後把電源打開就好。但是、沒想到、預料之外的事情是:按下 “Power” 沒反應! (more…)
Author: Kirin Lin
Still doesn’t work
Greenbug said server can not power-launch. This is the 2nd time that powser supplyer dead.
But we still cann’t sure if it is the powser supplyer’s problem. I will go to Greenbug’s home and check what’s wrong.Bring an old power supply and make sure that power line has ground connection.
Server down
It’s a sunny morning, but i found this is not really a good begining. I tried to browse my personal blog Kirin Lin, but FireFox told me server has no response. Then i tried different way to connect to server and still didn’t work. The server is surely down…
So, i can not write anything on my blog now. That’s why i post new post here…
Lin and William
他們是 Kirin 大學的同班同學,長跑了這些年,聽說明年要結婚了! (more…)