連結:Which Transformer are you? (你是哪隻變形金剛?)
經過 22 道題目的選擇,電腦會跟你說你與變形金剛哪個角色的相似度最高!Kirin 做完測驗後,結果是…
STARSCREAMTake the Transformers Quiz
You are 74% Starscream!
StarscreamStarscream has delusions of grandeur. He chose to resemble an F-22 jet because it’s the pinnacle of human technical achievement. He serves Megatron but longs to fill his shoes.
Like Starscream, you are not compassionate and harbor evil thoughts. Your leadership skills are weak at best. You will never be the commander of the Decepticons. In addition, you enjoy being one step ahead of your friends as far as trends and technology.
One response to “Which Transformer are you?”
You are 57% Starscream!
Starscream has delusions of grandeur. He chose to resemble an F-22 jet because it’s the pinnacle of human technical achievement. He serves Megatron but longs to fill his shoes.
Like Starscream, you are not compassionate and harbor evil thoughts. You want to be a leader and show some promise, but you have much to learn. In addition, you enjoy technology and are aware of the latest trends, but you stick with what works for you.