Eclipse 3.3 出現的 eclipsec.exe

Eclipse Classic 3.3 解壓縮後發現新出現一個執行檔案 eclipsec.exe,為了知道那是幹啥的,咕狗後找到 [eclipse-dev] mailing list 中的解釋:

[eclipse-dev] eclipsec.exe

Since the launchers were changed to load the Java VM in-process using the JNI invocation API, the launcher has had some issues with respect to the console on windows.
The wiki page here has some details:

The result is that on windows we are now shipping a second executable: eclipsec.exe. eclipse/eclipsec is analogous to javaw/java. Eclipsec.exe is linked as a console application so that the OS will allocate a console for us. This executable does not automatically add any arguments, so you still need to specify -console, -consoleLog, etc.


嗯…原來是 console 在 windows 下面有 Bug,所以弄了一個執行檔來解決。